Wednesday, July 8, 2009

2 week post-op and dinner

Gavin had his 2 week post-op on Monday. Daddy and I and of course Gavin headed down to Primary's for the appointment. With much hope we were waiting to here that he had a clean bill of health but that was not the case. He does not have hearing in his right ear and there is still fluid in it so right now it looks as if the tube is not really doing its job, we are going to continue the ear drops and hope that helps. We are going to follow up with the surgeon again in 2 months and can only hope that then he will pass the hearing test. Worse case scenario would be that the infection got so bad that it affected his hearing permanently. We are hopeful that the fluid just needs more time to drain but always on the cautious side because our little guy has never has anything easy. The Audiologist said that if in 2 months the hearing is still not there they will have to put him asleep and do more extensive test to for sure find out if this hearing loss is just temporarily or permanent. So again I ask for prayers for him that his hearing will come back and everything will be good. He has his 3 month checkup tomorrow with the pediatrician so i will update with his stats. Other than all that he is doing great. After the Dr. app it was our 7Th year anniversary so we headed out to dinner at the Red iguana and I have to say that it was not as good as I thought it would be. Very authentic and maybe I'm not used to that. On the other hand my hubby did not even take a second to drink, he downed those enchiladas like I've never seen. I guess he was kind of hungry and he said that it was really good. Thanks honey for dinner and a date to Primary's:)

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