Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Quick post.

We found out last week that G will have to wear a helmet. He will wear it for 3 months and then they will re-evaluate then to see if he will have to wear it longer than that. We have kind of prepared ourselves for this so I think we are ready, let's just get it over and done with so we can move past this. Also today we had his check-up with the ENT and the Audiologist and YEAH, G's hearing is back!!! So It does not look like he will be deaf in his right ear from the infection, they will re-check him when he is one just to make sure again but for now he can hear!! The Dr did notice an infection so he took a sample and is having it tested to make sure it is not the mastoiditis infection, we will hopefully know the results on thursday. Tomorrow we are headed down to SL for his head scan so they can fit him for his helmet. I will post pics and another update later.....


Team Carter Jay said...

Wooo Hoooo!!! That is great news about his hearing! I'm so happy for Gavin :)

jenicaheslop said...

Hey Rachael, hope all is well with the family. I have some exciting news for you... I hope. Chloe has now been to Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia. I have just received the picture. I can send it to you for her book if you like. email me your home address and I'll mail the photo to you.


love ya rach!