Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's a.......

BOY!!! Yes that's right a boy. Apparently we know how to make them. We had an ultrasound done earlier than scheduled because they found out that the babies blood was abnormal so they thought there could be a birth defect. We are SO happy to report that as far as they can tell the baby looks good. They were thinking it could be Spina Bifida, but it looks like his spine is just fine. So thank you for those prayers for our little one. However on the other side they were able to find out that I have placenta previa with placenta accreta. I know I know what is this? We have all heard of previa but I'd never heard of accreta. It is where the placenta is covering the cervix completely and the placenta attaches to the uterine wall too deep and too firm, thus making it highly likely for bleeding, early delivery and a hysterectomy. So we went from one issue to another but I will deal with the fact that we will for sure be done having children but I am completely relieved that out little boy is OK.


Nik said...

WOW!!! Congrats! I'm happy for you..a lil' guy will be so much fun!

Jamie said...

I am so glad that everything is ok. I hope that everything goes how it's suppose to when you deliver. Yay!! It's a boy!! :)

Southworth 6 said...

Congrats, I am glad your gonna get a lil guy....And hope everything else goes good, I am sure it will...:-)

mom said...

We are so grateful, however, (Rach don't kill me) she will probably end up on bed rest and perhaps in the hospital for alot of the pregnancy. Please keep them in your prayers and if you have a desire to help, call me because she won't ask........ Proud Grandma and Mom

Webster Family said...

RACH! A Boy! A boy! Now you can play baseball! You have both baseball mitts AND a baseball bat! Congrats! and be careful no crazy stuff!

April said...

That is such good news on the baby. I hope all goes well for you. I am sure it will though. I WILL keep you and your family in our prayers.....

jenica heslop said...

Congratulations! Boys are fun, and a lot les tempremental than our little sassy girls! or at least mine. Good luck!

Inside my heart said...

Congratulations on your little boy. I wanted to ask you yesterday at the SHARE meeting, but didn't have the courage. You have been such an inspiration in my life. Thank you so much for all you do. God bless you and your 'growing' family.