Monday, September 8, 2008

Figured out something....

So it looks like I figured out how to download and post pictures, Now I just need to figure out how to make my blog cute. I'm excited to start this, but now stressing because as you can see I'm not very good with computers. Stay tuned!! and If you have any advice to make it much easier for me.


Webster Family said...

Yeah!!! Oh you'll start lovin the blog. I know I do! I'm so glad you found me too! I can't believe I've never seen Olivia. But I honestly haven't been back to Utah in a year. There are reasons but I'd have to tell you another time. Hopefully I can make it back around Christmas. Madalyn is so big and that is the cutest cut! Boy, We have a lot to catch up on.

Rachael said...

Ya we do. Im glad you responded. I cant believe how big michaella is and darling as heck. You will have to catch me up.

~Ali~ said...

You'll figure it out!! Like I said, let me know if you need any help! Good Luck!

Mrs. Lucas' Blog said...

Yeah, now I can see my babies all the time. We will have to figure out how to make them look cute together. Love you girl. We are in this together.

Andie said...

I didn't know Sarah had a blog too! I need her blog address so I can add it to my list! Yeah for blogging!!!

Charity said...

Welcome to the blog world. You'll figure it all out.
I love the blog.

Jamie said...

Yay! Cute pictures of the fam!! I;'m glad that you started one